Monday, June 27, 2011

Ear Lowering

As you can see, both my guys desperately needed a haircut. We've trimmed Doug's ourselves before, but he's never had it done by a barber. Just cutting Doug's nails is an ordeal, so we dreaded the day we'd have to get his hair professionally cut. As he was starting to look more and more like Justin Bieber, we thought the sooner the better.

Doug did amazingly well, Jeff, the barber and I were a bit stunned by Doug's relative calmness about the whole ordeal. He watched Jeff and several other men get their hair cut first. The lady who was cutting Jeff's hair had her 15 mo little boy there. After a while, he and Doug began pulling toys out of the box and running around. I suppose the barber feared total chaos with two toddlers running around and so he summoned Doug and I to his chair. Doug wouldn't wear the apron or anything, but he sat in my lap and didn't squirm too much. The barber was great, he was quick and ready to improvise. For some odd reason, Doug didn't mind the razor, but he wasn't a fan of the shears. So the baber was able to finish the job using mostly the razor. If I do say so myself, the pair of them look quite handsome with their hair cuts!

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Padawan

Doug has grown by leaps and bounds since I last posted, particularly with language development. At ten months he began saying 'hi' to everyone and everything. I thought that since his first word came in under the year mark that he'd have many words by this point (nearly 15 mo. old). The only other word he's acquired is 'hot'. I think he began saying it sometime after his birthday, but I wasn't ready to give 'hot' second word status. Initially, he would only repeat it when we said it, mimicking the sounds. Because he wasn't applying it, I didn't think it should count. I know, I'm a tough cookie. Then about a month ago Doug and I were playing in the yard while Jeff was grilling. When the fire began blazing out of the grill, Doug started staring at it. He began whispering 'hot, hot'. I decided we could officially call 'hot' his second word. Since then a number of things have been 'hot'; food on the table- including salads, grills, ovens, erupting volcanoes, fireflies* and Elmo. I have to admit, Elmo is the funniest, but it gives us some in-sight as to how he classifies some things as hot- colors. Red and orange things tend to be called hot.

Then there is Doug's signing. Even though I've taken several sign language classes, I bought a book on signing with babies when Doug was about four months old. I was very excited about it, but then the idea was put on the back burner when we put our house on the market. When Doug was about ten months old, I started to feel guilty that I'd abandoned the idea of signing with him, I was worried it was too late to start. I started with a few signs, but put a lot of emphasis on the sign for 'bird'. Doug loves watching our parakeet as well as wild birds. Sure enough, he mastered the sign in a few weeks. Shortly after, he made up his own sign for lotion- both hands rubbing. Since then he's been using quite a few signs; more, all done, swing, fan, and air plane. I picked things that he has a lot of interest in. 'Swing' was the sign he mastered the fastest; in less than a week.

It's been very exciting watching Doug learn to communicate with us. At times, I swear you can hear the gears in his head turning! I can't wait to see what he'll come up with next!

*He may have eaten a firefly the other night. I pulled one out of his hair to show him. It lit up in my palm, Doug declared it 'hot' and picked it up with his fingers. He considered it for a moment and then popped it in his mouth. I have no idea if he actually ate it or not. I screamed 'NO!" and Doug fell down. I have no idea where that poor firefly went.